The company started its business by opening a Model store of Titan Company Limited on 11 July 2019 at Khargone, Madhya Pradesh. It’s been the very first time in Khargone, that a model store has been inaugurated. Titan, Fastrack, Sonata, Skinn perfumes, Titan Wallets and Belts are the entire brands to deal in with. We also have licensed dealers for international brand watches by Titan such as Tommy Hilfiger, Kenneth Cole and Lee Cooper. The company has taken a step ahead with the hands shake of Titan Company Limited by receiving a distribution network of watches for the Bhopal region, Madhya Pradesh.
To become a trusted leader in the distribution network by adhering to the best quality, timely delivery, updated products and operations practices for ensuring customer satisfaction.
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Choose from a wide range of analog, digital and chronological watches online